Way2Web are our loyal partners and supporters, who made our 2019 edition of Frontend Love even more sensational! With a game developed specially for our conference, TunnelVue, and a worthwhile prize (a signed t-shirt from Evan You), it wasn’t long before their booth was packed! Thank you for your assistance and contribution! We hope to continue collaborating in the future!
What2Web: "Vue.js Amsterdam 2020 was a success!"
Click here to read the blog!
"At our booth we had plenty of opportunity to present ourselves and get to know front-end developers."
"Natuurlijk was Way2Web erbij tijdens de grootste Vue.js conferentie ter wereld. Als fan maar ook als sponsor en standhouder. Op onze stand kregen we ruimschoots de gelegenheid om onszelf te presenteren en kennis te maken met front-end developers." - > At our booth we got plenty of occasions to present ourselves and meet Frontend Developers.
What2Web: Vue.js Amsterdam 2019 - niet te missen!
Click here to read the blog!
"We developed the game TunnelVue especially for this conference. With this game (made with Vue.js of course) you could win a signed shirt from Evan You. Well we knew that, our booth was flooded with people! Not only a lot of visitors, but also almost all other exhibitors came to the game.
Our frontend developer Tom and backend developer Ezra were also there. Tom discovered surprising new features from version 2.6, found the Nuxt.js framework very interesting and learned his light from other developers. For our newest team member Ezra, this conference actually came a bit too early, but it was an experience and the theater was very beautiful. We will definitely be there next time!"