ISAAC was our devoted partner in organizing the first ever Frontend Love conference in Eindhoven, right in the middle of High Tech Campus! Along with their help, they also provided one of their most talented employees, Lucien Immink, as a speaker on our stage for which we could not be more grateful! We hope in the near future we will collaborate again and come back to the lovely city of Eindhoven with an even bigger conference!
"We developed the game TunnelVue especially for this conference. With this game (made with Vue.js of course) you could win a signed shirt from Evan You. Well we knew that, our booth was flooded with people! Not only a lot of visitors, but also almost all other exhibitors came to the game.
Our frontend developer Tom and backend developer Ezra were also there. Tom discovered surprising new features from version 2.6, found the Nuxt.js framework very interesting and learned his light from other developers. For our newest team member Ezra, this conference actually came a bit too early, but it was an experience and the theater was very beautiful. We will definitely be there next time!"