DAY 4 - Javascript
Thursday 25th February will be dedicated to all things JavaScript: Tooling, Frameworks and Architecture with speakers that have created and maintained Industry Leading Tools & projects to improve the JavaScript landscape. With talks on React, Angular, Next.js, Svelte.js, Webpack, Babel and more.
Introduction to JSworld Conference 2021 Day 4 focussed on Javascript Talks.
Tech: JavaScript Tooling, Web Tooling, Browser tooling
We live in amazing times when it comes to browser tooling and open web tooling. Browsers aren't only a thing for end users, but also power our editors and can be automated to do a lot of work for us. In this session we'll take a look how the developer tools in browsers work, how to contribute and what's cooking to make developers more effective and prevent us from making mistakes before we make them.
Tech: DXP, JAMstack
The Modern DXP - How JAMstack will change the world.
Tech: Angular, RxJS
7 healthy reactive recipes with Angular and RxJS
The talk will highlight solutions for some common use cases in a reactive application using Angular and RxJS through an example of 7 recipes on what your possibilities are.
Tech: ES Modules, Polyglot Tooling, ES5, Node, ActionScript
Every 10 years there is a changing of the guard in JavaScript. The First Age started with Brendan Eich and ended with ActionScript.
The Second Age started in 2009 when npm, Node, and ES5 all gave new life to JavaScript.
In the Third Age we will see the confluence of a few megatrends – ES Modules, polyglot tooling, collapsing layers, and the slow death of IE.
Let us explore the implications.
Tech: reusable React Component, React Context
If you've ever created a complex reusable React component one of the first questions you probably got asked is how can it be extended, right?
The immediate solution will be to provide props as extension points but soon we will realize that no matter the amount of props we provide there is always going to be a case we forgot to cover.
There is a better way -> React Context.
Tech: TypeScript, React Component API
TypeScript is often praised for adding a layer of bug protection on top of JavaScript applications. But, how can we also use TypeScript to improve the readability of our React component interfaces for our fellow team members?
Just because types compile, doesn’t mean they are helping to document and describe our code for our future selves and others.
Perhaps we can shift our perspective about TypeScript from a bug catching tool to a developer experience tool that enables us to write reasonable and intuitive code interfaces.
In this talk, you will learn how to think like a consumer and take advantage of basic and advanced TypeScript types to enhance the readability of your React component APIs.
Tech: Module Federation, Webpack 5, Federated Angular
The implementation of micro frontends has so far been anything but easy.
Since common frameworks and build tools didn't even know this idea, you had to dig into the tricks bag. Module Federation offered by Webpack 5 initiates a crucial change of direction here. It allows you to load separately compiled applications at runtime and to share libraries between them.
In this session, you learn how to use this mechanism to create micro frontends with Angular.
Besides the default scenarios, we also look into dynamic Module Federation, sharing libraries, and dealing with version mismatches. At the end of the session, you know how to use Module Federation in your projects and what the consequences are.
Tech: ROLP, Code Writing
When writing computer programs, one is often faced with a choice between multiple ways to express a condition, or to perform an operation, or to solve some problem. The "Rule of Least Power" (extended) suggests choosing the least powerful way suitable for a given purpose.
Tech: Next.js, React Applications
In the past few years, UI libraries have taken the web development world by storm, however, this shift in how web applications are built has also increased the complexity of tooling needed to be productive.
In reality, it has gotten easier as new a new segment of tooling was created to aid in creating scalable and performant web applications. These frameworks focus on providing great end-user experience while also making developers more productive.
Tim explores why Next.js exists, and how you can improve your end-user experience and developer experience by leveraging Next.js.
He also hints at the future of building React applications and what it will look like.
Talk: Narritves we believe in and how they shape our behavior
(This is mostly a non-technical talk) Recent (and still ongoing!) events with Gamestop stock got me thinking about the narratives we believe in and how they shape our behavior and reality, whether in finance or in programming. These metaphors that we believe by matter: it determines how we think about technological systems that we use (open source) and the underlying people that work on it. Wanted to offer up some connections and open questions about where we might be heading.
Tech: PWA, eCommerce website
The logic behind choosing Shopware PWA for building an eCommerce website, some implementation history, advantages and pitfalls to avoid.
Tech: Jamstack, Hybrid Frameworks